Basil Growing Guide


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is famous for wonderful aroma and flavor. It is best known for its use in Italian dishes, but it has many uses in soups and salads. It is also often used to flavor vegetable dishes as well as fish and seafood.

Adding basil and other herbs such as dill and parsley to your garden salad adds additional flavor.

It can be easily grown in containers outdoors as well as indoors in a very sunny window or under grow lights.

For some added interest in your flower garden plant some of the red varieties among your flowers. The contrasting foliage colors really stand out.

Starting from Seed

Follow the seed packet instructions, seeds can be started indoors 6 to 8-weeks before your last expected frost date.

Sow seeds 1/4-inch deep. Germination takes 7 to 14-days.

You can direct sow in your herb garden in the late spring to early summer. Basil is a tender herb that does not tolerate even a light frost. Sow the seeds thinly and cover with 1/4-inch of fine soil, keeping the soil moist. The soil needs to be warm and your basil should germinate in a week. Thin the plants to 8 to 12-inches apart. Keep the soil moist and remove any weeds.

For more detailed information visit the seed starting page.

Soil Preparation

The soil should be nice loose well drained organic garden soil with the soil pH between 6.0 to 7.0. As soon as the soil is frost-free and can be worked, till the soil by digging down 8 to 12-inches turning the soil over with a garden fork. Remove any large rocks and stones. The small stones remaining will do no harm and actually benefit the soil by adding some micronutrients to the soil.


Plant in full sun directly in the garden after all danger of frost is past. The soil should be warm and it will do best if planted about 2-weeks after your last expected frost date. It is very frost-tender and can be damaged by temperatures below 40-degrees F.

Use a floating row cover on your tender newly planted plants to protect them if there should be a cold snap. Plant in rows 12 to 18-inches apart. Depending on the variety, allowing them to crowd each other a bit will keep the weeds down and help support each other.

Basil loves hot weather, so water the basil plants deeply once a week to keep the shallow roots from drying out.

Watering and Care

When the plants are a few inches tall add a nice loose mulch of shredded leaves or pine straw to shade the plant roots. This will keep the weeds out, the soil cooler and help retain moisture. Keep the mulch a couple of inches away from the stem. During dry spells give some water each week.


Basil leaves can be picked at any point in the growing season. Individual leaves should be carefully clipped off making sure that the plant roots are not disturbed.

Pinch off any flower buds that form to keep the plant from bolting. This will encourage branching and the formation of more leaves. It tastes best before the plant bolts and starts to flower.

You can keep it for a few days in the refrigerator by rolling the leaves in a damp paper towel.

Drying Basil

The leaves can be easily preserved by drying. When you dry your excess basil that you grow during the summer months you can enjoy and have a steady supply during the winter and spring.

There are several methods of drying basil. If you are in a warm, dry, low humidity location, you can dry the leaves in the sun or in a dry barn or a shed. A very good method of drying the leaves is using a food dehydrator following your unit’s directions. Check occasionally for dryness, which may take several hours. When the leaves are brittle and crumbly when you press on them, they are done.

For most gardeners the easiest and fastest way is to dry in the oven. Pick your leaves after the dew has dried. To avoid having to remove the dried stems after drying, it is easier to cut them off before drying. Discard any discolored or bruised leaves. The leaves should be dry before putting in the oven. Place a thin layer of whole or cut leaves on a parchment lined cookie sheet and place in the oven at a very low temperature setting. Leave the door slightly open

If the temperature is too high, the leaves may turn brown. Keeping the temperature around 200-degrees F or slightly lower, your dried leaves will have nice green color. When dried, the leaves will be brittle and crumbly when you press on them. Check occasionally for dryness. The time it takes may be an hour or so depending on temperature and the amount of leaves you are drying.

When the leaves are fully dried, they can be stored in a tightly sealed Mason jar.

Diseases and Pests

Basil can have root rot occur if the soil is poorly drained. Various fungal diseases can occur in humid climates. Keep a look out for aphids, slugs, earwigs and Japanese beetles.

Popular Varieties

Some popular basil varieties are: Cinnamon, Dark Opal, Genovese, Greek, Lemon, Licorice, Lime, Purple, Red Velvet, Red Robin, Sweet, Thai.

Sources: Seeds Now, Burpee, Johnny’s Selected Seeds

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