Dusty Miller Growing Guide

Dusty MillerDusty Miller

Dusty Miller (Jacobaea maritima formerly known as Senecio cineraria) also called Silver Ragwort is a low growing perennial with silvery-gray, fern-like foliage that will do well in USDA Zones 8 to 11. It is native to Northern Africa, western Asia and Europe.

It is usually grown as an annual and is used as a contrasting border plant in front of taller flowers. It prefers full to part sun and typically has a height of 7-inches and a spread of 8-inches.

They are drought tolerant and resistant to deer. The silver-gray foliage is an attractive addition to floral arrangements.

Starting From Seed

Follow the seed packet instructions, seeds can be started indoors 4 to 6-weeks before your last expected frost date.

Sow the seeds 1/2-inch deep in a sterile seed starting mix in cell packs or pots. Lightly cover with the seed starting mix and keep moist. Germination takes 10 to 21-days.

Bottom watering is the easiest way to keep moist without disturbing the newly sown seeds.

You can direct sow in your flower garden in the late spring to early summer.

For more detailed information visit the seed starting page.

Soil Preparation

Plant them in full sun in a nice loose well-drained garden soil. As soon as the soil is frost-free and can be worked, till the soil by digging down 8 to 12-inches turning the soil over with a garden fork. Remove any large rocks and stones. The small stones remaining will do no harm and actually benefit the soil by adding some micronutrients to the soil.

When to Plant

They should be planted in the late spring after the last expected frost.

Planting Dusty Miller

Follow the planting information on the plant tag. In general they can be spaced 10 to 12-inches apart. Dig a hole as deep as the pot and twice as wide. To the soil you just removed add the same amount of good garden soil so you have a nice blend of new and native soil.

Take the plant out of the pot and gently loosen the root ball pulling away any roots that have grown in a circle around the pot.

Place the root ball in the hole with the growing crown of the plant even with or an inch higher than the surrounding soil. Gently spread out the roots and back fill the hole around the root ball leaving a shallow depression around your plant. Fill the depression with water to settle the soil around the roots adding more soil if necessary and water again. Water daily tapering off as the roots grow and get established.

Dusty Miller will tolerate a little bit of crowding and look better without wide gaps between them.

Watering and Care

Dusty miller are low maintenance and easy to care for. All you need to do is add a layer of mulch to help retain moisture and keep out competing weeds. They should get an inch of water each week and during dry spells give some water to keep the soil moist. They usually do not need any fertilizer, but a light side dressing of organic fertilizer can be placed around the plant in the spring.

To keep them low and bushy pinch off flowers that may occur and the growing tips several time during the growing season.

Diseases and Pests

They are usually resistant to insects and disease. If insect or disease problems occur it is best to remove the plant and toss it in the trash.

Popular Varieties

Popular varieties: Cirrus, Silverado, Silver Dust, Silver Feather, Silver Lace, Silver Queen.

Sources: Burpee, Harris Seeds, Park Seed.

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